Tag Archives: Christian responsibilities

One nation, divisible


My prayer this morning was simply, “O God, what is the matter with us?”

Another hate-filled shooting spree, this time on a Sikh temple. More innocent dead.

A brouhaha over what the president of a fast food chain believes that becomes yet another dividing line between the Christian Left and the Christian Right.

Dividing lines between those who support gun ownership and those who do not.

Between those who hate gays and lesbians and those who do not.

Between pro-life and pro-choice.

Between Red and Blue.

We have become one nation, divisible. And each division is another sect of hate and exclusion.

And yet the majority in America still calls itself Christian, followers of Jesus the Christ, whose every word to us in the gospels was about unity, peace, mercy, compassion, inclusion, grace and above all, love.

Is our faith no deeper than the sticker on our bumper, than the catchy phrase on our church signs?

What am I going to do about that? What are you going to do?

Lord, though we deserve it not at all, help us.